Can You Get Rid of an El Cid Timeshare?

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The El Cid Vacations Club and El Cid Resorts organizations are two of the most well-known and prosperous timeshare businesses in the entire globe. Individuals who purchase timeshares in any of the properties held by El Cid have the opportunity to enjoy the perks that come with being able to call some of the world’s most stunning and sought-after locations home. Nonetheless, there is a possibility that some people will find themselves in a circumstance in which they would need to sell their El Cid timeshare.

What do people say about the El Cid Timeshare?

  • “I was so horribly misled. They did not provide us with a copy of the signed form, and the prices are not as stated. The individual requesting our signatures hid the document behind a plastic barrier so we couldn’t even examine it; she insisted that Athrio had provided the document. We went in the following day to cancel because we had nothing to prove what we had signed; he stated they simply email the documentation. They also implied that they would assume ownership of our previous timeshare, which was false. We put $1,650 down, and my husband asked if we could get our money back if we decided we didn’t want the contract. Her response was, “No, when you leave my office, you lose that money because, as you were told, you can cancel at any time, but you will lose this money.” We wrote a letter when we returned to the United States because we were finally able to see the contract, and it was not what they claimed. We were informed that we may cancel once the $4,950 was paid in full.”
  • “The el cid cancun defrauded me. The next day, I attempted to cancel, and my wife and I were kept in a small room with multiple personnel trying to alter our minds. It was quite irritating. I felt like I was being kidnapped since they wouldn’t let us leave, so I promised to record everything until they agreed to cancel my reservation. A month has passed and I still have not gotten a return of $10,000.”
  • “I have about one million Ed Cid points and have been a dedicated El Cid El Moro Tower owner for approximately fifteen years. The resort is beautiful, and the staff is always accommodating and helpful. The sales personnel has always been low-pressure and kept their word…until now. Regrettably, the sales personnel of El Cid resorts is at the mercy of upper management. They used to sell a subsidiary company, Leisure Club, into which one could deposit weeks in other El Cid resorts gained with surplus points. Then, over a five-year period, Leisure Club reward credits can be redeemed for vacations at other hotels, resorts, etc. Suddenly, El Cid no longer sells Leisure Club, and the reward credits for all El Cid properties in Mexico, regardless of resort, week, or unit size, are a meagre 7,600 Leisure Club reward Credits. El Cid management claims it is Leisure Club, while Leisure Club management claims it is El Cid management. The El Cid point holder appears to be caught in the centre of a legitimate feud. Management of El Cid engages in the customary corporate jargon, but they have NO ANSWERS to this issue that they are willing to share with the owners! WARNING IF YOU’RE CONSIDERING PURCHASING El Cid Points!! DO SO, BUT DO NOT PURCHASE ANY MORE THAN YOU CAN USE IN AN EL CID RESORT IN ONE YEAR!! ALL OTHER OPTIONS ARE EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! DO NOT FALL FOR ANY SOLUTION TO USE YOUR EL CID POINTS IN ANY OTHER MANNER, SINCE THE MANAGEMENT OF EL CID CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO KEEP PROMISES MADE TODAY!! I want to highlight that the sales staff answer to their superiors, not to the sales staff themselves!!”

You should get in touch with us so that we can provide additional information about the opportunities and choices you have. We will assist you in the process in every way that we can. Fill out the form that pops us when you click on the contact us button and we will reach back to you.

When you are seeking to get rid of an El Cid timeshare, the first thing you need to think about is whether or not it is a deeded timeshare or a right-to-use (RTU) timeshare. RTU timeshares are more comparable to memberships in that they provide an individual with the opportunity to use the timeshare for a predetermined amount of time, but deeded timeshares are contracts that are legally enforceable and tied to a particular piece of real estate. The method that must be followed in order to get rid of a deeded timeshare is distinct from the method that must be followed in order to get rid of an RTU timeshare.

If you own a deeded timeshare, your first choice for getting rid of it is to look for someone who is interested in purchasing it. Anyone can post advertisements to sell their timeshares on a variety of websites and online discussion groups today. You might also speak with a real estate agent or broker that specializes in timeshares for additional assistance. But, you should be aware that the process of selling a timeshare is not always simple or inexpensive. It is possible that you will require the assistance of an attorney while selling your property in certain circumstances. In addition to that, there is a good chance that you may be required to pay a closing fee in addition to the other costs connected to the sale.

The most typical solution chosen by people who own an RTU timeshare and want to get rid of it is to let the timeshare contract lapse simply. It is possible to accomplish this goal by by allowing your membership to expire without renewing it. You can also try to cancel your membership by getting in touch with the El Cid timeshare firm; however, this option may not always be available to you.

How To Get Rid Of El Cid Timeshare?

Owning an El Cid timeshare can be a great way to save money when traveling, but it can come with a lot of commitments and fees. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to get out of your El Cid timeshare, it can be a difficult and confusing process. But don’t worry, there are several options available to you.

Transferring Ownership

If you’re unable to find a buyer for your El Cid timeshare, you may be able to transfer the ownership to someone else. This is often done through a timeshare transfer company, who will charge a fee for their services. It is important to note that you may still be responsible for the maintenance fees associated with your El Cid timeshare, even after it has been transferred.

Before transferring your timeshare, it’s important to research and chooses a reputable transfer company that can guide you through the process. You should also review your contract and consult with a legal professional to ensure you fully understand the terms and potential liabilities.

Donating Your Timeshare

Another option for eliminating your El Cid timeshare is donating it to a charity. A few charities accept timeshare donations, such as Giving Center. Donating your timeshare is a great way to do some good and be rid of your timeshare commitment at the same time.

You may still be responsible for the maintenance fees associated with your El Cid timeshare, even after it has been donated. Additionally, you may be eligible for a tax deduction for the fair market value of the timeshare, but you should consult with a tax professional before making any claims.

Selling Your Timeshare

One of the most popular options for getting rid of your El Cid timeshare is to simply sell it. If you’re able to find a buyer, you can transfer your ownership to them and be free from your timeshare commitment. While this process can be time-consuming, it is often one of the most cost-effective ways to get rid of your El Cid timeshare.

There are a few different options for selling your El Cid timeshare. You can list it on a timeshare resale website like RedWeek or Sell My Timeshare Now. You can also list it on an auction site, such as eBay, or

Timeshare Exit Companies

El Cid Resort is not like other developers of timeshares in that it does not offer a program that will help you get out of your contract if you decide to do so. In addition, for practical and financial reasons, many resorts do not want to terminate the contracts they have with their guests. The final choice, which is also the most practical, is to consult with an exit business that specializes in timeshares. You need to exercise extreme caution in selecting a business to work with because there are some dangers involved, which we shall go over in more detail later.

By submitting a cancellation request for your timeshare, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from those unwelcome financial obligations. In addition, you and the El Cid Resort will have no more business or personal ties to one another. Nevertheless, as we have already said to you, this will not be a simple task. Consequently, the next best solution would be to hire a reliable timeshare exit business to assist you with the cancellation of your membership. These individuals and businesses have been trained to move the process along quickly so that your cancellation can take effect in the shortest amount of time possible. You will not be subject to any more costs or fees if you proceed in this manner.

Swindlers can be found in every corner of the timeshare industry. And not just when you’re considering purchasing a timeshare. There are also phony exit companies out there that will ask you for a deposit upfront before vanishing with your cash and leaving you with no explanation. We recommend that you undertake a comprehensive inquiry into the business that you are going to choose in order to lessen the impact of these dangers. Check out the comments, ratings, and reviews that visitors have left on our website for more information on timeshare exit firms.

There are a lot of cons operating in the timeshare exit sector, and many people who own timeshares have been taken in by them. Because of this, we place a significant amount of emphasis on putting everything in writing. When you finally decide to get rid of your El Cid timeshare, this will save you a tonne of problems and hassle.

If you want to get out of your El Cid Vacations Club timeshare, you need to get in touch with a reputable timeshare exit company.

If you are interested in selling or getting out of your El Cid Vacations Club timeshare, it is in your best interest to work with a reliable timeshare exit organization. These companies can guide you through the intricate process of terminating your timeshare contract using their extensive knowledge and years of industry experience. They will make all of the resources and guidance that you require available to you in order to ensure that you are able to get out of your contract in a way that is expedient and economical.

During the course of this procedure, we are here to help you and make things as simple as possible for you. We will be happy to assist you in getting out of this timeshare if you will just get in touch with us as soon as humanly possible.

Have you been trying to get out of your El Cid timeshare contract but don’t know how? Timeshare Exit Advice can help! We can provide information and help you through the process of exiting your timeshare. Whether you need to cancel, donate, transfer, or sell your timeshare, we can provide you with the resources and advice you need. Contact us today and we’ll give you the help you need to get out of your timeshare contract. Fill out our online form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Let us help you take the first step towards freedom from your El Cid timeshare.

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